Radiation test and analyses services :
- Parts recommendations – what technologies and specific parts to use and which to avoid. This would also include what you have to know to properly use radiation hardened, vendor tested and guaranteed parts without running into problems like not taking into account proper biasing or ELDRS.
- Derating guidelines - performance degradation as a function of dose and/or displacement levels, end of life performance including allowance for aging and temperature effects.
- Test plans for both characterization and lot acceptance
- Hardness assurance plans – tailored to program requirements and current mil specs.
- Testing – contract with test facilities for TID , neutron, FXR and SEE testing. Write test plans for both characterization and lot acceptance, build fixtures, sample preparation, perform tests, analyze the data and write test reports with derating guidelines, SEE rate prediction. etc.
- Unit & system SEE assessment– part screening, upset categories, outage and availability, rate determination.
Qualifications : - Radiation assessment of ~75 spacecraft program
- Over 1500 hours of beam time test experience in single event effects, prompt dose, total ionizing dose, and displacement damage testing.
- Tested complex parts include DDR1 & DDR2 SDRAM, Flash NAND, SRAM, Quad Data Rate (QDR), Synchronous SRAM, Microprocessors, Digital signal processor (DSP), PLLs, etc.
- Performed TID, SEE & prompt dose on many of the complex parts
- Available memory and ASIC test system